Reminders makes it easier than ever to keep track of all of your to-dos. Create reminders for grocery lists, projects at work, or anything else you want to track. Use flexible tools like Tags and Custom Smart Lists to organize your reminders to match your workflow, and save Reminders lists as templates to reuse them again in the future. You can also share a list with others to collaborate and work together.
Add and edit a reminder. Click in the space below a reminder list to add a new reminder, or click in the top right. Add notes, tags, and a date or location to your reminder. Click
to add additional details—for instance, add an early reminder to receive an additional notification for an important event.
Create Custom Smart Lists. Smart Lists automatically sort your upcoming reminders based on dates, times, tags, locations, flags, or priority. Create Custom Smart Lists by clicking Add List, select “Make into Smart List,” then add filters.
Create grocery lists. Grocery lists automatically sort the items you add into different sections, like Meat, Produce, and Snacks & Candy. To create a grocery list, click Add List, then choose Groceries in the List Type pop up menu.
Note: Grocery lists are not available in all languages.
Save a list as a template.When you create a list that you want to reuse, you can save it as a template. Select the list in the sidebar, then choose File > Save as Template.
See what’s coming up. The Today and Scheduled lists in the sidebar group items based on time and date. Keep on top of upcoming reminders and make sure you never miss a beat.
Organize your reminders. Drag a reminder on top of another reminder to turn into a subtask, or click the reminder and press Command-]. You can collapse or expand your subtasks to keep your view uncluttered.
Add a section to your reminder list to group similar reminders together. To add a section, go to Edit > Add Section or, if you’ve already added one section, click Manage Sections > Add Section. To add a reminder to a section, click the placeholder reminder at the bottom of the section, then start typing.
To group reminder lists together in the sidebar, choose File > New Group. Name the group whatever you’d like. Add more lists by dragging them into the group, or remove them by dragging them out.
View reminders in lists or columns. View your reminders as columns for a new way to visualize your to-do’s. Go to View, then choose “as Columns.” Every section becomes a column and it’s easy to complete reminders, drag and drop them to new sections, and add details. When you use columns, you can add a new one by clicking . You can’t use columns with Smart Lists.

Collaborate on a list. You can send an invitation to collaborate on a list in Messages or Mail, or share the link. Click , then choose Messages, Mail, or Invite with Link. If you share in Messages, everyone on the thread is automatically added to the list. After you’ve invited others to join, you can track activity and manage collaboration by clicking
Assign responsibility. Assign reminders to people you share lists with, so that they receive a notification. Split up tasks and make sure everyone knows what they’re responsible for. To share a list, click in the menu bar and choose how to share.
See what you’ve completed.The Completed Smart List in your sidebar lets you see all of your finished reminders, including when you checked them off.
Get reminder suggestions in Mail. When you’re corresponding with someone in Mail, you can use Siri to recognize possible reminders and make suggestions for you to create them.
Add a reminder quickly. Use natural language to quickly add a reminder. For example, write “Take Amy to soccer every Wednesday at 5PM” to create a repeating reminder for that day and time.
Ask Siri. Say something like: “Remind me to stop at the grocery store when I leave here.”
Use the Touch Bar with your 13-inch MacBook Pro. Use the Touch Bar in Reminders to add new items, check off completed items, flag an item, or add info, time, or location to a reminder.

Learn more. See the Reminders User Guide.