iTunes keyboard shortcuts on Mac
You can use keyboard shortcuts to quickly accomplish many tasks in iTunes. To find the shortcuts for common commands, look in the iTunes menus, or use the tables below as a reference.
Many items in the iTunes window (for example, songs and column headings) also have shortcut menus that let you do tasks quickly. To see a shortcut menu, press the Control key, then click the item.
Play music, video, and more
Action | Shortcut |
Start playing or pause the selected song | Space bar |
Play the currently selected song from the beginning | Return |
Move forward or backward within a song | Option-Command-Right Arrow or Left Arrow |
Stop playing the selected song | Command-Period |
When a song is playing, play the next song in a list | Right Arrow |
When a song is playing, play the previous song in a list | Left Arrow |
Show the currently playing song in the list | Command-L |
Show the Up Next list | Option-Command-U |
Listen to the next or previous album in a list | Option-Right Arrow or Left Arrow |
Go to the next or previous song in a list | Left Arrow or Right Arrow (or click the Skip Forward or Skip Backward controls in the upper-left corner of the iTunes window) |
Increase the volume | Command-Up Arrow |
Decrease the volume | Command-Down Arrow |
Open the equalizer | Option-Command-E |
Mute (and unmute) the sound (song keeps playing) | Option-Command-Down Arrow |
Go to the next or last chapter (if available) | Shift-Command-Right Arrow or Shift-Command-Left Arrow |
Stream audio file at a specific URL to iTunes | Command-U |
Create and manage playlists
Action | Shortcut |
Create a new playlist | Command-N |
Create a playlist from a selection of songs | Shift-Command-N |
Create a new Smart Playlist | Option-Command-N |
Start Genius Shuffle | Option-Space bar |
Refresh a Genius Playlist (when the playlist is selected) | Command-R |
Delete the selected playlist without confirming that you want to delete it | Command-Delete |
Delete the selected playlist and all the songs it contains from your library | Option-Delete |
Delete the selected song from your library and all playlists | Option-Delete |
Manage your iTunes library and media files
Action | Shortcut |
Add a file to your music library | Command-O |
Show where a song file is located | Shift-Command-R |
Select the search field | Command-F |
Choose artwork for the selected video | While the video is playing, Control-click the movie, then choose Set Poster Frame |
Undo your last typing change while editing an item’s information | Command-Z |
Cut the selected song’s information or artwork | Command-X |
Copy the selected song’s information or artwork | Command-C |
Paste the selected song’s information or artwork | Command-V |
Select all the songs in the list | Command-A |
Deselect all the songs in the list | Shift-Command-A |
Select or deselect all the songs in a list | Command-click the checkbox next to a song in the list |
Change what you see
Action | Shortcut |
Open MiniPlayer | Option-Command-M |
Enter or exit full-screen view | Control-Command-F |
Switch between custom and maximum window sizes | Option-click the green button in the upper-left corner of the iTunes window |
See the iTunes window resize while you are resizing it | Command-drag the resize control in the lower-right corner of the window |
Change the song information columns | Control-click a column heading |
Show the Column Browser | Command-B |
Show the status bar | Command-/ |
Open the Info window for the selected song or CD | Command-I |
In the Info window, see the info for the next or previous song in the list | Command-N or Command-P |
Go to the previous or next pane in the [Item] Info or Preferences window | Shift-Command-Left Bracket ( [ ) or Shift-Command-Right Bracket ( ] ) |
Open the View Options window for the selected source | Command-J |
Turn the visualizer on or off | Command-T |
See more options when a visual effect is showing | Press ?, then press the indicated key to use an option (not all visual effects support this) |
View music | Command-1 |
View movies | Command-2 |
View TV shows | Command-3 |
View podcasts | Command-4 |
View audiobooks | Command-5 |
Refresh the radio list (when Internet Radio is selected) | Command-R |
Expand or collapse all the triangles in the Radio’s Stream list | Command-click a triangle |
Open the iTunes window | Command-0 (zero) |
Close the iTunes window | Command-W |
Put the iTunes window in the Dock | Command-M |
Hide the iTunes window | Command-H |
Hide all other applications | Option-Command-H |
Find items in the iTunes Store
Action | Shortcut |
Initiate a search in the iTunes Store (from anywhere in iTunes) | Type a word or phrase in the search field and press Option-Return |
Go to the next page in the iTunes Store | Command-Right Bracket ( ] ) |
Go to the previous page in the iTunes Store | Command-Left Bracket ( [ ) |
Reload the current page | Command-R |
Other shortcuts
Action | Shortcut |
Prevent iPod, iPhone, or iPad from automatically syncing when you connect it to your computer | Press and hold Option-Command as you connect the device to your computer until the device appears in the iTunes window |
Open iTunes Preferences | Command-Comma |
Quit iTunes | Command-Q |
Eject a CD | Command-E |
Open iTunes Help menu | Command-? |
Open iTunes in “safe mode” (without external plug-ins) | Option-Command (while opening iTunes) |