You can stabilize shaky video so that it plays back more smoothly.
You can also correct image distortion that can occur if the camera moves a lot during recording (especially quick panning movements), or if the camera records fast motion. This kind of motion distortion is called rolling shutter distortion and can cause the video to appear wobbly or skewed.
In the iMovie app on your Mac, select an individual clip in the timeline that you want to stabilize.
In the adjustments bar, click the Stabilization button.
Select the Stabilize Shaky Video checkbox.
The checkbox is replaced by an activity indicator until the clip has been analyzed and stabilized.
To adjust the amount of stabilization applied to the clip, drag the Stabilize Shaky Video slider.
To see the effects of stabilization, play the clip.
In the iMovie app on your Mac, select an individual clip in the timeline that you want to correct.
To show the stabilization controls, click the Stabilization button.
In the stabilization controls, select the Fix Rolling Shutter checkbox.
The checkbox is replaced by an activity indicator until the clip has been analyzed and fixed.
Click the Fix Rolling Shutter pop-up menu and choose how much rolling shutter correction is applied to the clip.
To see the effects of the rolling shutter correction, play the clip.