Find, buy, and download apps
To find the perfect app, search for it or browse the App Store. Once you find the app you want, you can purchase it using your Apple ID, or you can redeem a download code or a gift card.

Find and buy apps
Do any of the following:
Search for an app: Enter one or more words in the search field at the top-right corner of the App Store window, then press Enter.
Ask Siri. Say something like: “Find apps by Apple.” Learn more about Siri.
Browse the App Store: Click Featured, Top Charts, or Categories at the top of the App Store window.
Click an app’s name or icon to get a description and view customer ratings and reviews.
To download the app, click the button that shows the price of the app or “Get.” Then click the button again to install or buy the app (or use Touch ID).
During installation, you can pause or cancel.
Redeem iTunes gift cards, Apple Music cards, or a download code
Click Redeem in the Quick Links area on the right (if you don’t see it, click Featured, Top Charts, or Categories in the toolbar). Enter the download code or the code from your gift card.
If you have a gift card with a box around the code, you can use the built-in camera on your Mac to redeem the card. After you click Redeem, click Use Camera, then hold the gift card 4 to 7 inches (10 to 18 centimeters) from the camera. Make sure the code area is near the center of the preview area, then hold the card steady until it’s redeemed.
For more information, see the Apple Support article What type of gift card do I have?
Purchase in-app content and subscriptions
Some apps sell extra content, including app upgrades, game content, and subscriptions. To make an in-app purchase, enter your Apple ID (or use Touch ID). For more information about subscriptions, see Manage app subscriptions.
Download apps purchased by other family members
If you’re part of a Family Sharing group, you can download apps purchased by other family members.
Click Purchased in the toolbar, click My Purchases, then choose a family member.
Download the items you want.