In a MainStage concert, individual sounds are stored as patches. You can customize patches by adding or replacing plug-ins, editing channel strip and plug-in parameters, and adding channel strips to get the sounds you want. You can mix channel strips of different types in a single patch.
When you open a concert or select a patch, the Patch Library opens in the Patch Inspector below the workspace, showing available patch settings. You can quickly audition patch settings in the Patch Library and choose a setting for the selected patch.
You can play the selected patch using a MIDI controller (for patches with a software instrument channel strip) or with a connected electric instrument or microphone (for patches with an audio channel strip).
Try moving some controls on your MIDI controller to see if the screen controls in the workspace respond. Some screen controls, including the keyboard, modulation and pitch bend wheels, respond to appropriate MIDI messages without needing to be assigned or mapped.
Click the Add Patch button (+), located in the upper-right corner of the MainStage Patch List.
The new patch appears in the Patch List, and the Patch Library is open in the Patch Inspector.
Select the patch setting you want to use from the Patch Library.
Patches in the Instrument folder can be used with a MIDI controller. Patches in the Audio folder can be used with an electric instrument (such as electric guitar or bass) or a microphone.
If the patch uses an audio channel strip, make sure the channel strip is set to use the correct audio input, then gradually raise the volume fader on the channel strip until you hear sound on the channel.
You can start playing the patch immediately using the selected patch setting.