If the artist or song is featured in any workouts, those workouts appear in Top Results.
Select Explore, then navigate down to the Artist Spotlight or Music Spotlight row.
Select an Artist Spotlight to view workouts featuring music by that artist. Select a Music Spotlight to see workouts with specific music themes.
Select a workout to view details, see the music playlist, or start it now.
Tip: If you like the music from a particular workout or meditation, you can select a song or select Listen in Music to open the playlist in Apple Music (requires a subscription to Apple Music). Press or on your remote twice to return to the workout.
Navigate down to the Collections row to see curated collections of workouts based on themes like travel-friendly workouts, ‘90s dance music, and gratitude.
Navigate down to the Programs rows to see Fitness+ programs—custom workout lists created around specific goals.
Select a program to watch a video about the program, see all of the workouts of meditations in the program, or add the program to your library.