Send a copy of a Freeform board on Mac
You can send a copy of a Freeform board—using AirDrop, Mail, or Messages, for example—so others can download it and add the copy to their own boards.
You must be signed in to your Apple Account to send a copy of the board.
Go to the Freeform app
on your Mac.
Do one of the following:
While browsing All Boards: Control-click the board you want to share, then select Share. Click the pop-up menu under the board name, then choose Send Copy.
From inside a board: Click
, click the pop-up menu under the board name, then choose Send Copy.
Choose any contact or app icon, then follow the onscreen instructions to send the link so others can download a copy of the board.
You can send this link to as many recipients as you like. Anyone with the link can download the copy before the link expires—30 days after you create it. When browsing for the board, recipients can find it in All Boards, not in the Shared section. (Shared is only for boards you’re collaborating on.)
You can see one another’s updates if you instead share or collaborate on a board.
Each new link sends a copy of the board at the time you created the link. When you send someone a copy, the link opens a new board. Changes on your board aren’t shown on their board, and anything others change won’t affect yours.
Note: Sending a copy doesn’t change who has access to the board. See Manage sharing settings.