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App Store keyboard shortcuts
App Store includes keyboard shortcuts for common macOS commands and for navigation.
Navigation shortcuts are shown below; look in the menus to find shortcuts for common commands.
Action | Shortcut |
Display Featured apps | Command-1 |
Display Top Charts | Command-2 |
Display Categories | Command-3 |
Display Purchased Apps | Command-4 |
Display Updates | Command-5 |
Search for an app | Command-F |
Refresh the current page | Command-R |
Go to the previous page | Command—Left bracket ( [ ) On a trackpad, swipe two fingers to the left. If you have a Magic Mouse, swipe one finger to the left. |
Go to the next page | Command—Right bracket ( ] ) On a trackpad, swipe two fingers to the right. If you have a Magic Mouse, swipe one finger to the right. |
See alsoApp Store preferences