What’s new in VoiceOver on Mac
VoiceOver in macOS Sonoma offers new features to give you greater control while using a Mac.
Automatically switch between customized groups of VoiceOver settings based on the context of what you’re currently doing in an app.
When you have VoiceOver indicate the amount of leading indentation, you can customize the number of spaces per indent. This can be useful when reading and writing programming code.
When you use Siri voices with VoiceOver, they sound more natural and expressive when speaking quickly.
VoiceOver no longer differentiates between window spots and web spots. You can use window spots to quickly navigate both app windows and webpages.
See Use VoiceOver window spots to navigate app windows and webpages.
VoiceOver offers improvements to Quick Nav, which lets you navigate using only the arrow keys, or using single keys (instead of key combinations).
You can connect supported two-dimensional refreshable braille displays with your Mac.
VoiceOver can use Nemeth Code to represent mathematical equations in braille.
You can assign keyboard function keys (F1, F2, and so on) to keys on your braille display.
See Assign VoiceOver commands on your Mac to braille display keys.
Download this guide in Braille Ready Format: BRF (English)