You can quickly and easily customize keyboard shortcuts in the Key Commands Editor. If you want to add a few custom commands to the default set, you can duplicate the default set and assign keyboard shortcuts to some of the unassigned commands. You can also create a new set that contains only your keyboard shortcuts.
If the command set that you want to duplicate is not shown, choose a different command set from the Command Set pop-up menu in the upper-left corner of the Key Commands Editor.
Choose Duplicate from the pop-up menu.
In the dialog that appears, type a name for the command set, then click OK.
The duplicate set is added to the list of command sets.
You can add keyboard shortcuts to a command set or reassign keyboard shortcuts.
If the command set that you want to modify is not shown, choose a different command set from the Command Set pop-up menu at the top of the Key Commands Editor.
Select the command to which you want to assign a new key command by doing one of the following:
Type a command name in the search field in the upper-right corner of the Key Commands Editor window.
Browse the command list to find the command you want.
Press the combination of keys you want to use for the command.
Note: Keys on the Key Commands Editor virtual keyboard that are shaded with diagonal lines are reserved for system use and cannot be assigned.
If the key combination is not already assigned to a command, the virtual keyboard updates to show the new key command. A gray dot appears on a newly assigned key (or keys), and a color is applied if the command belongs to a color-coded Command group.
If the key combination is already assigned to a command, MainStage displays the current setting, and prompts you to confirm the change.
To save your changes to the command set, click the Save button in the lower-right corner of the Key Commands Editor.
If you close the Key Commands Editor with unsaved changes, a dialog appears, prompting you to save your changes.
If the command set that you want to delete is not shown, choose a different command set from the Command Set pop-up menu at the top of the Key Commands Editor.
Choose Delete from the Command Set pop-up menu in the upper-left corner of the Key Commands Editor.