Use AirDrop on your Mac to send files to devices near you
AirDrop lets you wirelessly send documents, photos, webpages, and more to anyone nearby who’s on the same Wi-Fi network. You can send items between Mac computers and iOS devices.

Send items using AirDrop
With AirDrop on your Mac, you can send items from the Finder, the desktop, or from within apps such as Safari or Maps.
From the desktop or a Finder window: Control-click the item you want to send, choose Share > AirDrop from the shortcut menu, then select the device you want to send the item to.
From the Finder: Click AirDrop in the Finder sidebar, then drag the item to the device you want to send it to.
From an app: Click the Share button
in the app’s toolbar, choose AirDrop, then select the device you want to send the item to.
If you don’t see the person’s device in the AirDrop window, click “Don’t see who you’re looking for?”
Receive items using AirDrop
When someone uses AirDrop to send an item to you on your Mac, you can choose whether to accept and save it.
If you send an item from one device to another (for example, from your iPhone to your Mac), and you’re signed in to iCloud using the same Apple ID on both devices, the item is automatically accepted and saved.
In the AirDrop notification on your Mac, click the Accept pop-up menu, then choose an option.
Look for the item in your Downloads folder or the app you saved the item to.
If someone who wants to send you a file can’t see your Mac, make sure you’ve set it up to allow others to send items to you using AirDrop.
Allow others to send items to your Mac using AirDrop
On your Mac, click the Finder icon
in the Dock to open a Finder window.
In the Finder sidebar, click AirDrop.
In the AirDrop window, click the “Allow me to be discovered by” pop-up menu, then choose an option.
AirDrop uses Bluetooth and Wi-Fi to transfer items between devices. Most likely, you’ve already got Bluetooth and Wi-Fi enabled on your Mac. If you don’t, you’re asked to turn them on when you try to send an item.
To see if your Mac and the device you’re sending files to support AirDrop, see the Apple Support article Use AirDrop on your Mac.