Use the Apple Students template in Apple School Manager
Use the Apple Students template to import student accounts using SFTP. The person_id value must be unique for all locations. See Password policy scenarios.
You can also assign more than one location to a student by adding more location columns to this template. You can add up to 998 more location columns—named location_id_2, location_id_3, and so on, up to location_id_999. For each student, you can optionally enter another location_id in each of these columns. This must match a location_id in the Locations template. If this entry doesn’t match, the upload process fails. See Apple Locations template.
Note: If federated authentication is turned on, an email address is required. Additionally, if the specified email address uses a federated domain, that email address must be unique. If the email address is in a federated domain, the user account will also be federated. See Intro to federated authentication.
Value | Description | Example | Required/Unique | ||||||||
person_id also known as student_id | The number used to uniquely identify this person in your SIS or other database. Use the same person_id value to refer to this person in .csv rosters and classes. | AE4A6BB3-8D97-446A-BAA9-EDEA567453D3 | Yes/Yes | ||||||||
location_id | The location ID of the school or department this person belongs to. | 7BF83DE0-9D69-4662-A1E9-DAAD468DEF09 | Yes/No | ||||||||
first_name | The person’s first, or given, name. | Eliza | Yes/No | ||||||||
last_name | The person’s last, or family, name. | Block | Yes/No | ||||||||
middle_name | The person’s middle name. | M | No/No | ||||||||
person_number | A badge number or ID number that identifies this person in your organization. Unlike person_id, person_number isn’t used to refer to this person in other .csv files. | 49 | No/No | ||||||||
grade_level | The grade level associated with this person. | 9 | No/No | ||||||||
email_address | The person’s email address. | eb@townshipschools.org | No/No | ||||||||
sis_username | The user name for this person in your SIS or other school database. | eblock | No/No | ||||||||
password_policy | The password policy this person should use to sign in to their account. There are three options: “8” (Standard policy; this is the default), “6” (six-digit policy), and “4” (four-digit policy). This value overrides the Location password policy and any password policy previously set. If password_policy is left blank in the .csv file, the default password policy for the students at the location can be set as follows:
| 8 | No/No |