Use VoiceOver window spots to navigate app windows on Mac
You can quickly navigate app windows using window spots. VoiceOver automatically creates a set of window spots for an app window, based on its design, and lists them in the VoiceOver rotor. Window spots include key areas of an app window, such as a search field or sidebar.
You can create your own window spots to mark the buttons or areas in a window that you use most often.
Note: VO represents the VoiceOver modifier. See Use the VoiceOver modifier.
See a list of window spots for the current app window: Press VO-U to open the VoiceOver rotor, then press the Left or Right arrow key until you hear Window Spots.
Create a window spot for the item that has focus: Press VO-Command-Shift-}. You can create an unlimited number of window spots for an app window. Your most recently used window spot appears first in the list of window spots in the VoiceOver rotor.
Remove a window spot you created: Press VO-Command-Shift-{.
If the design of an app window changes significantly and VoiceOver can’t locate a window spot that previously existed on the page, it creates a new one that closely matches the original one.