Use VoiceOver hot spots on Mac
You can assign a hot spot to an item, then use the hot spot to jump to that item, instead of navigating to it. For example, set a hot spot on the New Message button in the Mail toolbar, then use the hot spot to jump directly to the button (as long as Mail is open).
If you set a hot spot on an item whose status or value can change, you can use the hot spot to monitor the item without it having focus.
You can set up to ten hot spots; if you use VoiceOver activities, you can set up to ten hot spots for each activity.
Note: VO represents the VoiceOver modifier that you press with additional keys to enter VoiceOver commands. By default, you can press Control and Option together or just press Caps Lock.
Set a hot spot for an item: Press VO-Shift-[hot spot number]. If the hot spot’s already being used for an item, the new item replaces the existing one.
Jump to a hot spot: Press VO-[hot spot number].
You can also use the Hot Spot Chooser. To display it, press VO-Shift-X.
Hear a description of a hot spot: Press VO-Command-[hot spot number].
Hear value changes in a hot spot: Press VO-Command-Shift-[hot spot number]. To stop hearing VoiceOver announce when the item’s value changes, press the command again.
Remove a hot spot: Press VO-[hot spot number] to jump to the hot spot, then press VO-Shift-[hot spot number].
You can use VoiceOver Utility to assign hot spot commands to keys or gestures.
When you jump to hot spots in tables, lists or web areas, you can immediately interact with those items (you don’t need to enter a command).
You can use hot spots on some non-English keyboards.
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