Collaborate on a shared presentation in Keynote for iCloud
Whether you’re the owner of a shared presentation or you’ve been invited to collaborate, after you open the presentation, you can see the edits made by others in real time, quickly jump to where people are editing, and more. The number of people editing or viewing the presentation (not including you) appears beside the Collaboration button in the toolbar, and their names (or email addresses or phone numbers) appear in the participant list.
Accept an invitation to collaborate
When you click a link to a shared presentation, where the shared presentation opens (for example, in Keynote for iCloud or Keynote for Mac) depends on a number of factors, such as the access and permission set by the owner, the device you’re using when you click the invitation link, and whether you’re using iCloud Drive.
Before you click the invitation link, make sure your device meets the minimum system requirements for collaborating.
Click the link in the email, message, or post you received, then follow any instructions that appear.
If the email address or phone number used to invite you isn’t associated with your Apple Account, you can follow the instructions that appear to add that email or phone number to your Apple Account.
Note: If you don’t want to associate another email address with your Apple Account, you could instead ask the owner of the shared presentation to invite you again using an email address or phone number that’s already associated with your Apple Account.
Collaborate on a shared presentation
Open the shared presentation.
If you don’t see the presentation you’re looking for in the document manager, click the link in the email, message, or post you received, and if asked, sign in to your Apple Account.
If you can’t open the presentation, see Accept an invitation to collaborate.
Edit the presentation.
Edits you and others make to the presentation appear in real time. Cursors and selections of text and objects appear in different colors to indicate where others are currently editing. Move your pointer over a cursor to see who’s making the edit.
Note: If a shared presentation uses the formatting conventions of a language other than your primary language, a message near the bottom of the presentation indicates which formatting is being used.
Do any of the following:
See who’s working in the presentation: Click the Collaboration button
in the toolbar to see the participant list, which shows who has joined the presentation and who is currently editing or viewing it.
If you’re the owner and the access is set to “Only people you invite,” you see the email address or phone number (instead of the name) for people you’ve invited but who haven’t yet opened the presentation.
Follow someone’s edits: Click the dot to the right of the name to see where that person is working. If you don’t see a dot, the person doesn’t have the presentation open.
Hide or show activity (cursors or selections in different colors): Click the View button
in the toolbar, then choose Hide Collaboration Activity or Show Collaboration Activity.
Invite others: If the owner of the shared presentation has given you permission to invite others to collaborate, click Add People, choose how you’d like to send the invitation, then click Share.
Note: For more detailed information about the changes being made by participants (for example, a list of the changes made since the last time you opened the presentation), open the presentation in Keynote for Mac, Keynote for iPhone, or Keynote for iPad; click or tap the Collaboration button in the toolbar; then click or tap Show All Activity.
Opt out of a shared presentation
If you no longer want to have access to a presentation that was shared with you, you can remove yourself from the participant list.
Do one of the following:
With the presentation open: Click the Collaboration button
in the toolbar.
In the document manager: Select the presentation, then click the Collaboration button
in the toolbar.
Move the pointer over your name, click the three dots that appear
, then choose Remove Me.
Removing your access removes your name from the participant list and removes the presentation from your iCloud Drive. If you later want to access the presentation again, click the original link to open it.
Locate presentations others have shared with you
Try the following:
Find the shared presentation link that was sent to you (in the original email or text, for example), then click it.
If you’ve opened the presentation before, go to the document manager, then click Browse to look for the presentation, or press Command-F (on a Mac) or Control-F (on a Windows device) to search for it by name.
If you delete a shared presentation from the document manager and later want to see it again, just click the link you originally received. As long as the presentation is still being shared by its owner, the presentation reappears in the document manager.