Use AirDrop to share photos from Photos on Mac
You can use AirDrop to instantly share photos with anyone nearby who has a Mac, iPhone, or iPad. You don’t need to set up any special accounts; you and the person you’re sending to just need to be on a Wi-Fi network and have Bluetooth and AirDrop turned on.
In the Photos app on your Mac, select the photos you want to share.
Click the Share button in the toolbar and choose AirDrop.
A window appears showing nearby AirDrop users.
Note: If you don’t see the person that you want to exchange photos with, ask them to turn on AirDrop (on an iPhone or iPad) or open AirDrop in the Finder (on a Mac) and turn on AirDrop in the Control Center.
Click the name of the person you want to share with, then click Done.
Files sent using AirDrop are placed in the Downloads folder.