Add items from another app to a Freeform board on Mac
You can add an item—such as a map location or contact card—to a Freeform board directly from another app. You can create a new board with the attachment, or add attachments to an existing board.
Go to another app (such as Maps, Contacts, Safari, or Photos).
Do any of the following:
Share from the app’s toolbar: With an item open (for example, a note or contact), click
, then choose Freeform.
Note: The Share button
doesn’t appear in all apps.
Share from a selection: Select some text or images, Control-click your selection, then choose Share > Freeform.
If your selection includes text, only the text is shared.
Click the Choose Board pop-up menu, then choose either a board you already created or New Board.
Click Save to add the attachment to the board.
Either a link or the item appears in the board. After you add the item, you can add a description, move it to a new location, resize it, align it, rotate it, arrange it with other items, or lock it.