Plan a one-to-one deployment event
Hosting a kickoff event—such as a parent night—to launch your one-to-one deployment is essential for having a good deployment. It’s your organization’s chance to reinforce the expectations of parents and students, and to ensure the smooth distribution of devices so that students are up and running before school begins.
Here are some guidelines for setting up a successful event:
Hold a small test event first: Regardless of the size of your deployment, it’s helpful to test the deployment process on a smaller group first to confirm and optimize the process. This allows you to verify the time required to complete each step, then plan accordingly.
Time the event appropriately: You need to distribute devices before they’re required for learning. If students are expected to use devices starting on the first day of school, then it’s important to schedule deployment events over the summer break. This may require announcing the events before the end of the previous school year.
Involve parents and students: For deployments with young students (K–12), include as many students and parents as possible, especially if you need parental consent before students can use the devices. Consider using an incentive to encourage participation. For example, allow students who attend with their parents to take home the devices. If your organization is deploying devices to faculty or staff, invite them to the event as well.
Distribute device at the event: This enables your organization to guide any users through the initial setup steps to ensure that users get up and running smoothly. As a result, your organization can confirm that all necessary setup steps are complete, which means your MDM solution can deploy content to those users’ devices.