Image, video, and font specifications for Apple News
The following specifications apply to images in articles:
JPEG (with a .jpg or .jpeg filename extension), PNG, GIF, or WebP
High-quality and high-resolution
Maximum size: 20 MB, 6000 by 6000 pixels
Important: In the article metadata, any thumbnail URL images must be at least 300 by 300 pixels with an aspect ratio between 1:2 and 3:1.
Two video components are available in articles:
Embed Web Video: The URL of an embeddable Vimeo or YouTube web video.
Video: The URL of a video that can be played using an AVPlayer object in iOS or iPadOS. HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) is highly recommended (.M3U8); use it If you host your own video for use in News.
News supports all iOS and iPadOS system fonts except San Francisco, which was introduced with iOS 9.