How saving affects parameter values in MainStage
In MainStage settings, you can set whether changes to mapped parameters are kept when you change patches or when they are reset to their saved value. By default, when you select a patch, the mapped parameters in the previously selected patch return to their saved value (as defined in the Screen Control Inspector). When you save the concert, changes to mapped parameters for the currently selected patch are saved (but mapped parameters for other patches keep their saved value).
If you set the On Patch Change preference to “Keep current value,” when you select a patch, the mapped parameters in the previously selected patch retain their current value. When you save the concert, the changes are saved (and the previous saved values are lost).
However, if you close the concert without saving, mapped parameters return to their previously saved values when you reopen the concert.
If you decide not to keep your latest changes, you can revert a concert to its previously saved state.