New features for macOS Sonoma

Widgets on your desktop
Add widgets from your favorite apps to your desktop for easy access. With Continuity, you can also add your iPhone widgets without having to install the corresponding apps on your Mac.

Video conferencing
Use Presenter Overlay to layer your video and your shared screen. React to the conversation with 3D effects like hearts, confetti, or fireworks with a simple hand gesture. Share an app, or multiple apps, right from the window you’re in. Control the composition of your video when using Studio Display or iPhone as your camera.

Add sections and columns to your reminder lists
Group related reminders into sections, and choose to visualize them in columns. You can also easily create grocery lists that automatically sort items into different sections.

Organize your browsing with web apps and profiles in Safari
Turn your favorite websites into web apps so you can easily find them in the Dock whenever you want. You can also create profiles to keep your work separate from your personal life, and enjoy the safety of enhanced private browsing.

And even more
See what else macOS Sonoma can do: Add a slow-motion screen saver of a landscape, cityscape, or seascape—and set it as a wallpaper; create links from one note to another; share passkeys and passwords with a group of trusted contacts; use Game Mode to automatically give games top priority on the CPU and GPU of your Mac; and more.
Add links between notes. Notes
Set up a screen saver and share passkeys and passwords. System Settings
Play your favorite games. Game Mode