Sign in to or out of FaceTime on Mac
Before you can make or receive FaceTime calls or phone calls on your Mac, you need to sign in to FaceTime using your Apple ID and turn FaceTime on.
When you sign out of FaceTime, you can’t receive FaceTime calls or phone calls until you sign in again. If you want to stay signed in to FaceTime but stop receiving calls, you can turn FaceTime off.
For information about system requirements for using FaceTime, see FaceTime requirements.
Sign in to FaceTime
In the FaceTime app
on your Mac, enter your Apple ID and password.
Click Sign in. FaceTime is on automatically.
If you forgot your Apple ID or password, or if you need to create an Apple ID, go to the Apple ID account website.
Make sure to sign in using the same Apple ID on every device. See the Apple Support article Use Continuity to connect your Mac, iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, and Apple Watch.
Sign out of FaceTime
In the FaceTime app
on your Mac, choose FaceTime > Preferences, then click Settings.
Click Sign Out.
Turn FaceTime on or off
In the FaceTime app on your Mac, do one of the following:
Turn off FaceTime: Choose FaceTime > Turn FaceTime Off.
If someone calls you, you don’t receive a notification for the call; to the caller, it looks like you’re not answering.
Note: Instead of turning off FaceTime, you can turn on Do Not Disturb in Notification Center, which prevents notifications from disturbing you. See Receive, pause, or stop notifications.
Turn on FaceTime: Choose FaceTime > Turn FaceTime On.
Note: To block all FaceTime or phone calls, turn off FaceTime or sign out of FaceTime on each device. (You can also block individual callers. People who are on your blocked list are blocked on all of your devices signed in to FaceTime and iCloud using the same Apple ID.)