Edit a third-party MDM server configuration in Apple Business Essentials
A user with a role that has the proper privileges may sometimes need to edit a third-party mobile device management (MDM) server configuration.
Edit a third-party MDM server configuration
In Apple Business Essentials, sign in with a user that has the role of Administrator or Device Enrollment Manager.
Select your name at the bottom of the sidebar, select Preferences
, select your MDM server
under the Your MDM Servers list, then select Edit.
Make any of the following changes:
Set or change the device types associated with this MDM server.
View or rename the server.
Allow devices to be released.
View the last connected IP address.
View or upload a new public key certificate.
View, generate, or download a new server token.
Delete the server and assign devices to another server.
View assigned devices and get a breakdown by device type and quantity.
Download a comma-separated value (.csv) file that contains the serial numbers of all assigned devices.
After you make changes or download your .csv file, select Apply.