Register as an organ donor in Health on iPhone
(U.S. only) In the Health app , register to be an organ, eye, or tissue donor with Donate Life America. Your decision to donate is accessible to others in your Medical ID. (If you later change your decision, you can remove your registration.)
Learn about organ donation
Tap your profile picture at the top right.
If you don’t see a profile picture, tap Summary or Browse at the bottom of the screen, then scroll to the top of the page.
Tap Organ Donation, then tap Learn More for an overview of organ donation and Donate Life America.
Register with Donate Life America
Tap your profile picture at the top right, then tap Organ Donation.
If you don’t see a profile picture, tap Summary or Browse at the bottom of the screen, then scroll to the top of the page.
Tap Sign Up with Donate Life.
To later change your donor information or remove your registration, tap your profile picture, tap Organ Donation, then tap Edit Donor Registration.