Select clips in iMovie on Mac
Selecting clips is the first step in building your movie.
For information about selecting a portion of a clip, see Select part of a clip in iMovie on Mac.
Select a clip
In the iMovie app
on your Mac, click a clip in the browser or the timeline.
In the browser, a yellow border with trim handles appears around the clip. When you move the pointer over the clip, its duration is shown in the upper-left corner of the filmstrip.
In the timeline, a yellow border appears around the clip, and the playhead moves to the point where you clicked.
Select multiple clips
In the iMovie app on your Mac, do any of the following:
Select a group of clips: Press and hold the Command key as you click each clip you want to select, or drag a selection rectangle around the clips.
Select all video clips in your movie: Select a clip, and choose Edit > Select in Movie > Video Clips.
Deselect clips
Select specific types of content in a movie
In addition to selecting all of the clips in a movie, you can select all of the transitions, photos, animated travel maps, or backgrounds.
In the iMovie app
on your Mac, choose Edit > Select in Movie, and choose a type of content from the submenu.