Change your Apple ID account information on Mac
Your Apple ID is the account you use for all Apple services, including iCloud, iTunes, and the App Store. You can change your Apple ID name, photo, contact, security, and payment information directly from iCloud preferences.

For information about changing your account information on iCloud.com, see What is iCloud Settings? in iCloud Help.
For information about changing Apple ID account settings using an iOS device, see “Manage Apple ID and iCloud settings” in the user guide for iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch.
Change general information
On your Mac, choose Apple menu
> System Preferences, click iCloud, then click Account Details.
Click General, then view or change the following:
First and last name: Enter the name associated with your Apple ID. This name will sometimes be displayed to other users when using iCloud sharing features.
Apple ID: Identifies this Apple ID account.
Picture: Click your picture, or drag an image file from the Finder onto the picture, then do any of the following:
Use a picture included with macOS: Click Defaults, then select a picture.
Take your picture using your Mac: Click Camera; when you’re ready, click Take Photo.
Use a picture from the Photos app: Click Photos. To see specific photos from a time, place, or album, click a disclosure triangle below photos, then select a group of photos. Select a picture, then click Next.
Zoom in or out: Drag the slider left or right.
Move the picture: Drag the picture around within the circle.
Change contact information
On your Mac, choose Apple menu
> System Preferences, click iCloud, then click Account Details.
Click Contact, then view or change the following:
Email addresses: Add and remove email addresses and phone numbers associated with your Apple ID. Friends and family use these to share notes and documents with you and reach you using iMessage, FaceTime, and more.
Primary address: Change the mailing address for your Apple ID.
Birthday: Change your birthday if it’s incorrect. It’s used to help verify your identity if you forget your password or need to reset it.
Note: You can change your birthday once, and you have 24 hours after changing it to correct any mistakes you made.
A child under 13 (age varies by country or region) can’t change birthday information.
Subscriptions: Select the kinds of information you want Apple to send to your email addresses.
Change security information
On your Mac, choose Apple menu
> System Preferences, click iCloud, then click Account Details.
Click Security, then view or change the following:
Apple ID Password: You can change your password to protect your information stored in iCloud and the ability to locate or remotely erase your Mac using Find My Mac. See Tips for creating secure passwords.
After changing your Apple ID password, make sure you update it in any third-party email apps you use to get your iCloud email.
Security questions: If this option appears, you can change the security questions and answers that help Apple verify your identity. This option doesn’t appear if two-factor authentication is turned on.
Rescue Email Address: If this option appears, you can add or change the email address where Apple can send you a link to confirm your identity and let you reset your information should any security issues arise. This option doesn’t appear if two-factor authentication is turned on.
Notification Email Address: If this option appears, you can change the email address where Apple sends a copy of all Apple ID email sent to your primary email address (shown in your contact information described above). See the Apple Support article About your Apple ID email addresses.
Two-Factor Authentication: Shows whether your Apple ID has two-factor authentication turned on.
If two-factor authentication is on, and you need a verification code to sign in on another device or at iCloud.com, click Get Verification Code.
If two-factor authentication is on and you want to add trusted phone numbers, click the Add button
, enter a phone number and select a verification method, then click Continue.
You must verify at least one trusted phone number when you enroll in two-factor authentication. You should also consider verifying other phone numbers you can access, such as a home phone, or a number used by a family member or close friend. Trusted phone numbers don’t automatically receive verification codes. If you temporarily can’t access your own devices, click or tap “Didn’t get a verification code?” on the new device, then choose one of your other trusted phone numbers to receive the verification code.
If two-factor authentication is off, and you want to turn it on, click Turn On Two-Factor Authentication.
You can also turn two-factor authentication on or off, and manage your trusted devices and phone numbers, by signing in to your Apple ID account page.
Two-Step Verification: If this information appears instead of two-factor authentication information, your Apple ID has two-step verification turned on. If you see a message asking you to change to two-factor authentication, see the Apple Support article Switch from two-step verification to two-factor authentication.
Manage your iCloud devices
On your Mac, choose Apple menu
> System Preferences, click iCloud, then click Account Details.
Click Devices, then view or change the following:
See information about a device: Select the device in the list on the left. Answer the security questions if asked.
Remove a device: Click the device in the list on the left, then click Remove From Account.
If you lose a Mac, an iOS device, or an Apple Watch with watchOS 3, you may be able to locate and protect it instead of removing it from your account. See Use Find My Mac to locate a missing Mac and What is Find My iPhone? in iCloud Help.
If you lose an Apple Watch with watchOS 2, and it has Activation Lock enabled, mark it as missing instead of removing it. That way, your Apple ID and password are required to reactivate and use your Apple Watch. See Manage your devices in Settings on iCloud.com in iCloud Help.
Your AirPods will appear in the devices list in Find My iPhone, but not in the devices list on your Apple ID account page, iCloud.com, iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, or Mac. You can remove your AirPods from your account using Find My iPhone.
Note: If you remove a device that’s set up to use Apple Pay, Apple Pay is disabled for the device, and your cards are removed from the device, even if the device is offline. See Use Wallet & Apple Pay.
If you remove a device from your account, and the device reconnects to the Internet while still signed in to iCloud, the device comes back in your list of iCloud devices. If you can’t sign out of iCloud on the device, you may be able to erase the device remotely. See What is Find My iPhone? in iCloud Help.
Change payment method
On your Mac, choose Apple menu
> System Preferences, click iCloud, then click Account Details.
Click Payment, then view or change the following:
Add a payment method: This button appears only if you haven’t set up a payment method for your Apple ID. Click this button to enter your credit card information and billing address.
Primary payment method: Click Details, then change your credit card information and shipping address.
Family Sharing payment method: Identifies the credit card shared by all family members for iTunes Store, App Store, and Apple Books purchases. To change it, the family organizer can use iCloud preferences or iTunes on a Mac or iOS device.
The Family Sharing payment method doesn’t appear if you’re the family organizer and the Apple ID you use to sign in to iCloud is the same as the Apple ID you use for purchases you share with your family. In this case, family members share your primary payment method for iTunes Store, the App Store, and Apple Books purchases.
If you’re the family organizer, and you don’t use the same Apple ID to sign in to iCloud and for sharing purchases, you can change the Family Sharing payment method in iTunes. For information about using a different Apple ID, see Share purchases with others in your Family Sharing group.
For information about using iTunes to change the payment method, see Set up and manage your iTunes Store account in the iTunes User Guide.
You can also change your account information by signing in to your Apple ID account page.