View Memories in Photos on iPod touch
The Photos app scans your library to automatically create collections of photos and videos called Memories. Memories include Memory movies, which are automatically edited for you and set to music. You can edit Memories and share them with others. You can also make a Memory movie from an album you create.
Play a Memory movie
Tap the For You tab, then tap a Memory.
Tap the Memory movie at the top of the screen to play it.
To pause, tap the movie, then tap
To go forward or backward in the movie, tap the movie, then slide the frames at the bottom of the screen left or right.
You can also open any album, moment, collection, or year, tap the header, then tap the movie at the top of the screen.
Edit a Memory movie
While a Memory movie is playing, tap the screen to show customization options.
Do any of the following:
Change the mood: Swipe left or right through the moods to change the title, music, and editing style.
Change the length: Swipe to change to short, medium, or long depending on the number of photos in the Memory.
Personalize the movie: Tap Edit to add or delete specific photos, change the music, edit the title, and more.
Create a Memory movie
Create your own Memory from any moment, collection, or year, in Photos.
Tap the Photos tab, then go to any moment, collection, or year.
Tap the header, marked by the title name and an arrow symbol
, then tap Add to Memories.
Delete or block a Memory movie
Tap the For You tab, then tap a Memory.
, then tap Delete Memory or Block Memory.
Share a Memory with friends and family
While a Memory movie is playing, tap the screen.
, then choose how you want to share.
Add to Favorites
In the For You tab, tap a Memory you want to mark as a favorite.
, then tap Add to Favorite Memories.
To view your Favorite Memories, tap See All, then tap Favorites.
Share photos from a Memory with friends and family
Photos identifies the people in a Memory and makes it easy to share the photos in that Memory with the people who are in it.
Tap the For You tab, tap a Memory you want to share, then tap
Tap Share Photos.
Tap Select to add or remove photos. Or, send all the photos in the Memory.
Tap Next.
Photos suggests sharing the photos you took with the people who were there. You can choose who to share with, as well as add others.
Tap Share in Messages.
To send the link to other friends after you’ve shared it or to stop sharing, tap the Memory you’ve shared recently, tap , then tap Copy Link or Stop Sharing.