Identify a song using Shazam on iPhone, iPad, or Android
You can identify music playing around you in multiple ways on iPhone, iPad, or an Android device.
To ensure that your device is correctly set up for the best Shazam experience and to save your identified songs, see Before you use Shazam.
Note: Shazam doesn’t record or store the audio it detects, and Apple has no access to audio captured on device. See Shazam & Privacy and the Apple Privacy Policy for more information.
Identify songs playing around you
On iPhone, iPad, or Android, do one of the following:
Open the Shazam app , then tap the Shazam button .
Touch and hold the Shazam app icon on your Home Screen, then tap Shazam Now.
If this is your first time using Shazam, follow any onscreen instructions for microphone and location access.
The track screen opens, showing the identified song, which is also saved in the Shazam app.
Any upcoming concerts are displayed below the song and artist in the track screen. See Discover concerts with Shazam.
You can identify a song when you’re not connected to the internet. Shazam remembers the request, then identifies the song (if it’s available in the Shazam music catalog) and adds it to your collection after you’re back online.
Identify songs using Auto Shazam
Want to identify and save all the songs in an episode of your favorite TV show or the songs playing around you while dining out? Turn on Auto Shazam to have Shazam automatically identify music—even when you switch to another app or when your device is locked.
On iPhone, iPad, or Android, do one of the following to turn on Auto Shazam:
In the Shazam app: Touch and hold the Shazam button .
On your device’s Home Screen: Touch and hold the Shazam app icon, then tap Auto Shazam.
On iPhone or iPad, when Auto Shazam is turned on, all identified songs are saved to My Music in the Shazam app, grouped by date.
On Android, identified songs are saved to the Library in the Shazam app, grouped by date.
To turn off Auto Shazam, do one of the following:
In the Shazam app: Tap the Shazam button .
On your iPhone or iPad Home Screen or in another app: Tap (or the orange time display) in the Dynamic Island (iPhone 14 Pro and later) or in the upper-left corner of the screen, then tap the Shazam button in the app.
On your Android device’s Home Screen or in another app: Swipe down from the top edge of the screen to display notifications, tap to the right of “Auto Shazam is on,” then tap Turn Off.
Identify a song playing in another app
You can use the Shazam app to quickly identify a song that’s playing in another app on your device (such as TikTok, YouTube, or Instagram).
With music playing in another app, open the Shazam app on iPhone, iPad, or Android, then tap the Shazam button .
On iPhone 14 Pro or later, the Dynamic Island displays a microphone icon (or an orange dot), indicating Shazam is working to identify the song.
The identified song appears in a notification.
Identify songs playing in an app or through headphones on iPhone or iPad
If your headphones or earphones have a microphone, use Shazam Music Recognition in Control Center to quickly identify music playing around you or in apps like TikTok, YouTube, or Instagram.
On iPhone or iPad, add Music Recognition to Control Center.
Open Control Center, then tap .
The identified song appears in a notification and is saved to the Shazam app. You can then save the song to any Apple Music playlist or open the song in Spotify.
To get more information about the song, do one of the following in Control Center:
Tap the notification to open the song’s track screen in Shazam.
Touch and hold to view your Shazam Music Recognition history, then tap a song to open its track screen in the Shazam app.
If you don’t have the Shazam app installed, tapping the notification displays a Shazam track result. Tap Open in Apple Music to open the song in the Music app .
Identify songs playing in an app or through headphones on Android
If your headphones or earphones have a microphone, you can use the notification bar or Pop-up Shazam to quickly identify music playing around you or in apps like TikTok, YouTube, or Instagram.
On Android, do one of the following:
Swipe down from the top of the device screen, then select Tap to Shazam in notifications. After the song is identified, tap the notification to open its track screen in Shazam.
If Tap to Shazam doesn’t appear when you swipe down, make sure “Shazam from notification bar” is turned on in Shazam app settings.
Turn on Pop-Up Shazam, start playing music in an app other than Shazam, then tap the Pop-Up Shazam button on the right edge of the screen. After the song is identified, tap the result to open its track screen in Shazam or tap to close the lyrics.
If you don’t see the Pop-Up Shazam button, make sure “Appear on top” is turned on in Android Settings > Apps > Shazam.
Songs you identify using the notification bar or Pop-up Shazam are saved to the Shazam app.
Identify songs using a widget
Widgets show you current information from your favorite apps at a glance. You can add a Shazam widget to keep your recent songs—and the Shazam button—at your fingertips.
Do one of the following:
On iPhone or iPad: Add a Shazam widget to Today View or the Home Screen or add a Shazam widget to the Lock Screen.
On Android: Add a Shazam widget to the Home Screen.
Tap in the widget to identify a song.
In Today View or on your Home Screen on iPhone or iPad, you can tap a recent song in the widget, then tap to preview or play the song in the Shazam app.
Note: To listen to the full songs in the Shazam app or in the Music app, you must be an Apple Music subscriber. See the Apple Support article Join Apple Music.
Report an incorrectly identified song
If you think Shazam has incorrectly identified a song, you can easily report it in the app.
In the Shazam app on iPhone, iPad, or Android, do one of the following:
In the track screen or Now Playing screen, tap , tap the “Wrong song?” button , then tap Report.
Tap on a song, tap the “Wrong song?” button , then tap Report.
Tip: You can also identify a song in your favorite web browser, or identify a song in the Messages app.