You can paste images, shapes, lines, charts, and equations into table cells. When you paste an object into a cell, it’s added as an image fill (background) in the cell. You can change how the object fills the cell, or add text that appears in front of the object.
Note: If you paste a shape that contains text, only the text is pasted into the cell.
Select an object in your spreadsheet (or another document), then choose Edit > Copy or Edit > Cut (cut removes it from its original location).
Click the cell where you want to add the object.
Choose Edit > Paste.
You can add text to a cell after you add an object to it, but you may not be able to arrange the text with the object exactly as you like.
By default, Numbers scales the object to fit in the cell, but you can adjust the size.
Click the cell, then in the Format sidebar, click the Cell tab.
Click the disclosure arrow next to Fill.
Click the “Scale to Fit” pop-up menu and choose another option.
If a cell contains both text and an object, you can delete the object without deleting the text.
Click the cell, then in the Format sidebar, click the Cell tab.
Click the disclosure arrow next to Fill.
Click the Image Fill pop-up menu and choose No Fill.