Save a copy of your playlists in iTunes on PC
You can export a playlist—for example, if you want to save a copy of the playlist, or import it to a different computer so you have the same playlist in both places.
You can also export information about a song (or songs) to use in a database or in another app.
When you export playlists or transfer song information, the actual songs or videos aren’t included—just the information about them or the playlist.
Save copies of playlists to use on another computer
In the iTunes app
on your PC, choose Music from the pop-up menu at the top left.
Do any of the following:
Save a copy of a single playlist or use it in iTunes on another computer: Select the playlist in the sidebar on the left, choose File > Library > Export Playlist, then choose XML from the Format pop-up menu.
Save a copy of all your playlists: Choose File > Library > Export Library. The exported information is saved in XML format.
Import an iTunes playlist
Note: You must first have an exported iTunes playlist (in an XML format).
In the iTunes app
on your PC, choose Music from the pop-up menu at the top left.
Choose File > Library > Import Playlist.
Choose the XML file to import.
The imported playlist includes only songs and videos already in your iTunes library. Unavailable items are removed from the list.
Transfer song information into other applications
In the iTunes app
on your PC, choose Music from the pop-up menu at the top left.
Do one of the following:
Export all the song information into a text file: Select a playlist, then choose File > Library > Export Playlist. Make sure “Text files” is selected in the “Save as type” pop-up menu.
All information from the Info window for each song is exported, not just the fields currently displayed in the library or playlist.
Copy the information (in the columns that are visible) for one or more songs: Select the songs and choose Edit > Copy. Then choose Edit > Paste in another app (for example, an email or text document).