Create notes on iCloud.com
You can start a new note and change the formatting of lines or words. Notes are listed by last-modified date, with the most recent note at the top of the notes list.
![An open note on iCloud.com, with several notes appearing in a sidebar.](https://help.apple.com/assets/672169FE0B40C2A2650AE956/67216A0FCD88DAA9B10F4A8E/en_US/1c1dd228870ae9f85860f9d51ba4d20b.png)
Go to icloud.com/notes, then sign in to your Apple Account (if necessary).
in the Notes toolbar.
Tip: To create a note from the iCloud.com homepage, click
in the corner of the Notes tile. To create a new note from anywhere on iCloud.com, click
in the toolbar, then click Note.
Type your note.
Your changes are saved automatically and your new note appears in the notes list, identified by the first few words of the note.
To change the formatting of lines or words in a note, select the text you want to format, click
in the Notes toolbar, then choose the format you want to apply.