The SERIESSUM function computes and returns the sum of a power series. The coefficients are for successive powers of x-value incremented by step-value.
SERIESSUM(x-value, power, step-value, coefficients)
x-value: The x value input to the power series. x-value is a number value.
power: A number value representing the initial power to which to raise x-value.
step-value: A number value representing the step by which to increase power for each term in the series.
coefficients: The coefficients by which each successive power of x-value is multiplied. The number of coefficients determines the number of terms in the power series. coefficients is a collection containing number values.
The SERIESSUM function supports an arbitrary starting point and arbitrary spacing of exponents. If neither of these is required, consider using the POLYNOMIAL function.
Higher order terms are expressed last. The coefficients (ai) are for successive powers of x-value. In the following formula, "x" represents x-value, "n" represents power, and "m" represents step-value. The formula used by the SERIESSUM function is: a1 xn + a2 x(n+m) + a3 x(n+2m) + ... + ak x(n + (k-1)m), where k is the number of coefficients.
Exponents must be non-negative integers.
Examples |
=SERIESSUM(2, 0, 1, 9) returns 9. =SERIESSUM(2, 0, 1, 1) returns 1. |