Change your picture
If you use a Jabber account, you can change the picture, or “buddy icon,” that appears next to your messages in other people’s buddy lists. People can select a different picture to represent you.
If you’re using iMessage, other people see the picture they have stored for you in their Contacts app. (iMessage doesn’t use buddy lists.)
Tip: To quickly change your picture, drag a picture from your desktop to the monogram or the current picture, then click Done.
To open your buddy list, choose Window > Buddies. Or, if you have more than one Jabber account, and you don’t show all your accounts in one list, choose an account name.
Click the monogram or current picture, then do one of the following:
Use a default system picture: Click Defaults, then select a picture from those provided by macOS.
Use a recent picture: Click Recents, then select a picture from the recently used pictures.
Tip: Select the monogram image to delete the previous picture.
Take your picture using your Mac: Click Camera, then when you’re ready, click the Camera button
To edit your picture, click Edit, then do any the following:
Zoom in or out: Drag the slider below the picture.
Move the picture: Drag the picture around within the circle to reposition it.
Apply an effect: Click the Effects button
, then select an effect.
Click Done.