Verify your domain for Branded Mail in Apple Business Connect
Send the link to this page to the IT or DNS administrator who has the authority to make changes to the DNS zone files for the domains used to send and receive email.
Before Branded Mail can be used:
All the requirements must be completed. See Prepare to use Branded Mail.
A domain must be verified. This is done by having a unique TXT record added to the zone file for the top-level domain (which then allows all subdomains) or added to one of the subdomains (for a single subdomain).
Prepare the zone file to add the TXT record, then follow the steps below.
Important: To complete this task, you must have an administrator username and password to sign in to Apple Business Connect.
Add a domain or subdomain
Sign in to Apple Business Connect with a user that has the role of Administrator.
Select Branded Mail
in the sidebar.
Select Add, then enter the domain or email address.
Select Copy to copy the TXT record to your Clipboard, paste the record into the zone file, then save the zone file and if necessary, restart the DNS service.
It may take a few minutes for the DNS service to recognize the new record.
Select Verify.
When verification is complete, select Done.