Filter data in a table in Numbers for iCloud
You can filter the data in a table to show only the data you want to see. For example, if you’re looking at a table of possible monthly mortgage payments for a loan with various interest rates, you can filter the table to show only the loans you can afford.
You filter data by creating rules that determine which rows in a table are visible; rows that match the rule are shown and those that don’t match are hidden. You can quickly filter out rows that match a specific value in a column using a Quick Filter, a set of rules based on the column’s contents. Or, you can create more complex filters with one or more rules that evaluate data using expressions—for example, if a number “is greater than" a certain value, or if the text “contains” a particular word.
Use a Quick Filter
You can quickly show or hide rows that match a specific value in a column using Quick Filter. If you’re using Quick Filter in a pivot table, you can also hide (and show) groups in the Column and Row fields.
Click anywhere in a table so that the row numbers and column letters appear.
Move the pointer over the column you want to filter, click the arrow that appears, then choose Quick Filter.
If you want to use Quick Filters with a pivot table, select a header cell, row, or column.
Select the checkbox for the data you want to show, or deselect the checkbox for the data you want to hide.
Tip: If you are working with a large set of data and want to see only the items that are currently selected in the list, click “Show Selected.”
When you’re finished, click Apply.
Rows that match the selected rules remain visible while rows that don’t match are hidden.
To see all the filters for the current column, click Show All Filters.
To close the Quick Filter pop-up window, click anywhere on the sheet.
Create a filtering rule
You can create a filter with one or more rules that evaluate numbers, text, dates, and other types of data in a column. As you create filters, they’re applied to the table, but you can choose whether to show rows that match either all filters or any filters. When you create a filtering rule for a pivot table, you can also create rules based on the fields.
Note: You can’t apply rules to a table with cells that have been merged across one or more rows, and you can’t merge cells while a table is filtered.
Click the Organize button
in the toolbar, then click Filter at the top of the sidebar on the right.
Click Add a Filter, then choose the column you want to filter by.
An empty filter rule for the selected column appears.
Choose the type of filter from the first Filtering Rule pop-up menu (for example, Numbers), then choose a rule (for example, “greater than”) from the second pop-up menu. If necessary, enter a value for your rule.
For example, if you selected a number filter with “greater than” as the rule, type the number that you want the entries to be greater than.
Press Return (or Enter).
The table filters to show only the rows with values in the selected column that match the rule. If you don’t see the results you expect, make sure each table cell is formatted for the type of data it contains (for example, cells formatted using the Text data format should contain text).
To add another rule for the same column, click Add Rule, then make your choices.
You can have multiple rules for a single column, such as “Show rows that have ‘yes’ or ‘maybe’ in Column C.”
To add a rule for a different column, click Add a Filter, then repeat the steps above.
From the pop-up menu below Filters (at the top of the sidebar), choose Match Any Filter or Match All Filters.
For example, if you choose Match Any Filter, then each row in that column only has to match one filter to remain visible in the table.
Note: If you’re filtering your table using the “above average,” “below average,” “in the top,” or “in the bottom” filtering rule, you won’t be able to add new rows to the table while it’s being filtered. To add new rows, temporarily turn filters off (deselect the Filters checkbox in the sidebar), then turn it on again when you’re finished adding rows.
Turn off or delete a filter
You can turn off all filters for a table (without deleting them), or delete selected filters.
Click the Organize button
in the toolbar, then click Filter at the top of the sidebar on the right.
Do one of the following:
Turn off all filters: Deselect the Filters checkbox. To turn them back on, select the checkbox again.
Delete a filter: Click the Trash icon to the right of the filter.