Create a sampler instrument with MainStage Auto Sampler
After you have added Auto Sampler to a channel strip and configured the Auto Sampler controls, you are ready to create a sampler instrument.
Create a sampler instrument using Auto Sampler
In an Audio FX slot on the selected channel strip, choose Utility > Auto Sampler.
The Auto Sampler plug-in window opens.
If you are sampling an external device such as a synthesizer, do all of the following:
Connect the instrument to your computer (both audio and MIDI).
Create an external instrument channel strip. In the Add Channel Strip dialog, be sure to set the MIDI input, MIDI output, MIDI channel, and (audio) Input for the channel strip.
Click keys on the Auto Sampler onscreen keyboard to make sure the instrument can receive MIDI Note messages.
Make sure that MainStage can receive audio input from the external device on the correct audio input, and set the levels using the Input Gain slider for a full signal (close to 0dB) without clipping.
Play notes on the Auto Sampler onscreen keyboard to make sure they sound (especially the start and end notes of the key range and other notes shown in blue).
Adjust the Key Range Start and End and Sample Every values (and any other Auto Sampler controls) as needed.
When you are ready, click Sample.
In the Save dialog, type a name for the sampler instrument, then click Start.
The sampling process starts. Notes being sampled are shown in orange on the keyboard, and the note name and velocity appear in the lower-left part of the Auto Sampler window. The waveform of each sampled note appears on the graphic display, with the percentage completed and remaining time shown below the graph.
You can stop the sampling process by clicking Cancel. No sampler instrument is created.
After the new sampler instrument is created, you can close Auto Sampler, open Sampler on a channel strip, and open the new sampler instrument from the AutoSampled Instruments submenu of the Sampler Setting pop-up menu.