Create assignments from exit ticket results in Schoolwork
After students answer questions in an exit ticket, you can view their responses, then use the Student List to create a new assignment for the students who answered the exit ticket question.
If you have multiple teachers in your class, assignments you publish or schedule are visible and editable by all teachers. Draft assignments are only visible to you.
Create an assignment from exit ticket results
In the Schoolwork app
, tap Recent Activity, Assignments, or a class in the sidebar, then tap the assignment you want to view.
Tap the exit ticket activity tab, if applicable.
Tap View Responses, then use the cards at the top of the Exit Ticket Results view to see a summary of your exit ticket questions and top answers.
Swipe left to view each card, then tap the summary card for the question and answer details you want to view.
To view individual student responses, do the following:
For multiple choice, slider, and rating questions, tap an answer in the chart.
Schoolwork displays only the students whose responses match the answer you selected.
For open response, tap an answer in the chart, then tap a student in the Student list.
Schoolwork displays only the students whose responses match the answer you selected, then displays each student’s full response below the chart. In Student Responses, swipe left and right to view each student’s response.
To send a new assignment to the students in the Student List, tap
in the Students list, then tap Create Assignment.