News Publisher analytics overview
News publishers can view detailed data for channels. Data is available for the last 3 years and reflects usage in Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
Publishers can also see data about notifications and featured and trending articles.
If content from a channel also appears in the Stocks app on devices with iOS 12 or later, iPadOS 13 or later, or macOS 10.14 or later, data from the Stocks app is included for that channel’s analytics numbers. Only select channels appear in the Stocks app.
Channel-based data
Unique viewers: The number of unique users who viewed any article from the channel in News.
Total views: The total number of views for all articles from the channel in News. Video views in feeds count as article views.
Average active time: The time each user spent actively engaged in articles, averaged across the channel.
Shares: The number of times articles from the channel were shared, broken out by sharing method: Mail, Messages, Facebook, and Twitter.
If any of the share methods (Mail, Messages, Facebook, and Twitter) have fewer than six shares, exact counts are hidden for all individual share methods.
Reach: The number of unique users who saw headlines from the channel in feeds, or viewed articles from the channel anywhere in News.
Likes: The number of times articles from the channel were liked.
Saves: The number of times articles from your channel were saved.
New follows: The number of times the channel was followed.
Net follows: The number of times the channel was followed minus the number of times it was unfollowed in a given period.
Note: In CSV reports, “follows” are referred to as “favorites.”
Gender distribution: The percentages of male and female users who viewed articles from the channel in News.
Gender and age distribution: The percentages of male and female users who viewed articles from the channel in News, split by age group.
Video views: The number of times users started watching videos from the channel in News.
Video views are counted when the main video content begins to play, after any advertising pre-roll video has completed.
Median view time: The median amount of time users spent watching videos from this channel anywhere in News.
Total minutes viewed: The number of minutes users spent watching videos from this channel anywhere in Apple News.
Completion rate: The percentage of video views where the video was played to the end. Includes views for all videos from this channel anywhere in News and views where viewers skipped part of the video.
Top articles based on video views: The articles from this channel that received the most video views.
Discovery Source: The percentage of article views that came from each location—from the Today feed, topic feeds, the Stocks app, or widgets, for example.
Views by device: The percentage of article views that came from each device—iPhone, iPad, and Mac.
Subscriptions (available only for select channels): The number of unique users with a subscription who have viewed any article from the channel in News. (The top 10 articles that led people to purchase a subscription in Apple News appear below the chart.)
Four lines appear in the chart:
Black: The total number of viewers who purchased subscriptions.
Blue: The number of viewers who purchased subscriptions in the News app.
Orange: The number of viewers who purchased subscriptions in the publisher’s iPhone or iPad app if the app offers Apple in-app purchases. (For details, see the Apple Support article Buy additional app features with in-app purchases and subscriptions.)
Red: The number of viewers who purchased their subscriptions from the publisher’s website or non-Apple app. To be counted in this line, viewers must have signed in to the account they use for the publisher’s ecosystem in News.
Loyalty: Both the number of monthly active users by articles viewed, and the monthly active users by days active.
Notifications (available only for select channels): Notifications shows three charts and a table. They include the following:
Unique viewers from notifications: The number of unique users who viewed articles from this channel as a result of notifications you sent and notifications from Apple News editors.
Gender distribution: The percentages of male and female users who viewed articles from this channel as a result of opening notifications.
Gender and age distribution: The percentages of male and female users who viewed articles from this channel as a result of opening notifications, split by age group.
The table below the charts displays the notifications you sent during a given period and the number of unique users who viewed each article as a result of opening the notification.
Weekly Active Users (WAU): The number of unique users who viewed at least one article from the channel during a 7-day period.
Monthly Active Users (MAU): The number of unique users who viewed at least one article from the channel during a 30-day period.
Note: WAU and MAU are available only in CSV reports (see View analytics in News Publisher). The entry in the date column is the end date for WAU and MAU. For example, if the data column shows October 21, 2021, and WAU is 37,844, the channel had 37,844 unique users for the 7-day period ending on October 21. If MAU is 226,939 for the same date, the channel had that many unique users for the 30-day period ending on October 21.
Article-based data
Unique viewers: The number of unique users who viewed the article.
Total views: The total number of views for the article.
Average active time: The average time each user spent actively engaged in the article.
Shares: The number of times the article was shared, broken out by sharing method: Mail, Messages, Facebook, and Twitter.
If any of the share methods (Mail, Messages, Facebook, and Twitter) has fewer than six shares, exact counts are hidden.
Reach: The number of unique users who saw the headline for this article in feeds or viewed the article.
Likes: The number of times the article was liked.
Saves: The number of times the article was saved.
Gender distribution: The percentages of male and female users who viewed the article.
Gender and age distribution: The percentages of male and female users who viewed the article, split by age group.
Video views: The number of times users started watching videos in the article.
Video views are counted when the main video content begins to play, after any advertising pre-roll video has completed.
Median view time: The median amount of time users spent watching videos in the article.
Total minutes viewed: The number of minutes users spent watching videos in the article.
Completion rate: The percentage of video views in the article where the video was played to the end. This includes views where users skipped part of the video.
Retention rate: The percentage of video views in the article that reached a given milestone. This excludes views where users skipped part of the video.
Discovery Source: The percentage of views of this article that came from each location—from the Today feed, topic feeds, the Stocks app, or widgets, for example.
Views by device: The percentage of views of this article that came from each device—iPhone, iPad, and Mac.
Subscriptions (available only for select channels):
Percentage of all subscriptions: The percentage of subscriptions purchased via this article, relative to the total subscriptions purchased via your content.
Conversion rate: The percentage of users who purchased a subscription after viewing a paywall on this article.
Unique viewers with a subscription: The number of unique users with a subscription who have viewed this article.
Notifications (available only for select channels): Notifications shows two charts and a table. They include the following:
Gender distribution: The percentages of male and female users who viewed this article as a result of opening a notification.
Gender and age distribution: The percentages of male and female users who viewed this article as a result of opening a notification, split by age group.
The table below the charts displays the notifications you sent for this article during a given period and the number of unique users who viewed the article as a result of opening the notification.