Save stories in News on iPad
In the News app , you can save stories to read later, online or offline.
Save a story
When reading a story, tap
, swipe up, then tap Save Story.
To read a saved story, tap Saved Stories in the sidebar, then tap the story. To delete a saved story, swipe the story left.
Check and edit your reading history
Tap History in the sidebar, then do any of the following:
Read a story: Tap the story.
Delete a story: Swipe the story left.
Remove your reading history: Tap Clear, then tap Clear History.
Remove the information used to create recommendations: Tap Clear, then tap Clear Recommendations.
Clear everything: Tap Clear, then tap Clear All.
Your News history, recommendation information, saved stories, and downloaded issues are removed from all your devices where you’re signed in with the same Apple ID.
Note: Story titles remain in Saved Stories, but you must be online to read the stories.
If you clear recommendations, and Show Siri Suggestions in App is on in Settings
> News > Siri & Search, recommendations based on your Safari and app usage and your reading habits in News are cleared. To prevent News from suggesting stories based on your Safari and app usage, turn off Show Siri Suggestions in App.
When you clear your history, the identifier used by Apple News to report statistics to news publishers is also reset. You can reset the identifier at any time by going to Settings > News, then turning on Reset Identifier.