Unenroll from the beta program in Feedback Assistant on Mac
If you’re a member of an AppleSeed program, you can use Feedback Assistant to unenroll at any time.
If you’re a member of the Apple Beta Software Program, you can unenroll your devices to stop receiving the public beta releases.
Unenroll from an AppleSeed program
You can use Feedback Assistant to unenroll from an AppleSeed program. After you unenroll, you won’t be able to submit feedback.
Go to the Feedback Assistant app
on your Mac.
Choose Feedback Assistant > Unenroll.
The AppleSeed unenrollment webpage opens in Safari.
Follow the onscreen instructions.
Unenroll your devices
When your Mac is enrolled in an Apple beta software program, you automatically receive new versions of the beta. At any time, you can unenroll your Mac so that it no longer receives these updates.
For instructions, go to the Apple Beta Software Program device unenrollment webpage.