Block pop-ups in Safari on Mac
You can prevent webpages from displaying pop-up windows. However, blocking pop-ups might also block some content you want to see.
Choose Safari > Preferences, then click Websites.
Click Pop-up Windows.
Block pop-up windows for:
A website in the list: Select the website in the right column, then choose the option you want.
All websites that aren’t currently customized: Click the “When visiting other websites” pop-up menu in the bottom-right corner of the pane, then choose the option you want.
You can see all websites you’ve customized under Configured Websites. If you don’t see Configured Websites, either you haven’t customized a website yet, or you’ve cleared the list. To configure a website, see Safari Websites preferences.
All websites: Make sure no websites are listed under Configured Websites (to clear the list quickly, select the websites, then click Remove). Click the “When visiting other websites” pop-up menu, then choose the option you want.