Legacy Digital Stepper in MainStage
Digital Stepper, which is based on the ES2, is a digital synthesizer that can step through a number of tones, creating a rhythmic pattern.
If you’re new to using plug-ins in MainStage, see Add and remove plug-ins in MainStage.
Volume slider: Set the overall volume level of the instrument.
Balance slider: Set the balance between a harder and more spiky sound (digital) and a warmer, softer sound (analog).
Modulation slider: Apply more or less modulation, making the sound more lively when high settings are used.
Harmonics slider: Increase or decrease the number of harmonics, or overtones, in the sound, with more values making the sound a little thicker and less values making it thinner.
Harmonic Steps slider: Determine how noticeable the tonal steps are. Large values make them more noticeable and small values less noticeable.
Cutoff slider: Allow less sound through at low values and more at high values, damping the sound or making it brighter.
Cutoff Steps slider: Set the amount of cutoff applied to each step. Large values make the cutoff effect more pronounced and small values less pronounced.
Duration slider: Set the length of the steps.