Stay fit with Apple Watch
Apple Watch can track your activity and workouts, and encourage you to lead a more active life through gentle reminders and friendly competitions.

Close each ring
Your Apple Watch tracks how much you move, how often you stand up, and how long you exercise each day. Set goals in the Activity app , then check your progress throughout the day. Scroll down for more details like your total steps and distance. Apple Watch lets you know when you’ve completed a goal.

Start a workout
Open the Workout app , then tap the type of workout you want—something active like a run or swim, or maybe a more contemplative yoga or Tai Chi workout. Your stats appear on one screen so, during your workout, you can check your progress with a glance. If you forget to start a workout before a walking, running, or swimming workout, don’t worry—Apple Watch suggests that you open the Workout app and gives you credit for the exercise you’ve already done.

Focus on your fitness
In watchOS 8, you can filter out distractions with the new Focus feature. Before beginning an intense workout, create a Fitness focus on your iPhone, then turn it on to stay in the moment, allowing only the notifications you really want.

How are you doing?
Your recent activity statistics look great, but how do they compare to last year? The Trends feature can tell you. Open the Fitness app on your iPhone, tap the Summary tab, and swipe up to see where your activity metrics are headed so you can keep it going or turn it around.
To learn more about Apple Watch as a fitness partner, see Track daily activity with Apple Watch, Start a workout, Use Focus on Apple Watch, and Check your trends.
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