Adjust Apple TV app settings
You can choose what appears in the Apple TV app , including Apple TV channels and apps, live scores, notifications, play history, and items in Up Next.
Adjust settings for the Apple TV app
Open Settings
on Apple TV.
Go to Apps > TV, then do any of the following:
Use your play history for personalized recommendations and Up Next: Turn on Use Play History.
Follow sports leagues and teams across Apple News, Apple TV, and other Apple apps when you’re signed in with the same Apple ID: Turn Sync My Sports on or off.
Show or hide live sports scores: Turn Show Sports Scores on or off.
Choose the art you want to see in your Up Next watchlist: Select “Up Next Display,” then choose Still Frame to see still frames from what you’re watching, or Poster Art to show main title images for shows or movies.
Choose whether to start the next episode or trailer automatically: Turn Auto-Play Next Video on or off.
Set what appears on the Home Screen when the Apple TV app is highlighted in the top row: Select “Top Shelf,” then choose What to Watch to see previews of featured TV shows and movies, or Up Next to see what’s in your personal queue.
Get Game Start and Close Game notifications for games you’ve added to Up Next: Turn on Games in Up Next.
Get notifications about recommended sports and events: Turn on Exciting Games.
Choose the streaming video quality in the Apple TV app: Select Best for the best quality available based on your TV and connection, Better to watch videos in HD and use more of your data, or Good to watch videos in SD and use less of your data.
Turn the sound on or off for background videos that automatically play in the Apple TV app: Turn Autoplay Video Sound on or off.
Set which Apple TV channels and apps share content with the Apple TV app: Select an app from the list to turn it on or off.
Choose the video quality for purchases and rentals in the Apple TV app: Select High Definition or Standard Definition. If you select Standard Definition, only videos in standard definition will be shown as an option when you purchase or rent videos.
Remove information about what the current user has searched in the Apple TV app on Apple TV: Select Clear Search History.
Remove information about what you’ve watched (which is synced with the Apple TV app on other devices): Select Clear Play History. This also removes TV shows and movies from Up Next.