Record Sculpture envelopes in MainStage
It is important to note that you can only record the movements of the assigned MIDI controller. MIDI controller assignments for the envelopes must be set in the MIDI Controller Assignment section at the bottom of the Sculpture interface (see Define Sculpture MIDI controllers).

Envelope recording parameters
R(ecord) button: Start or stop envelope recording. Recording can also be stopped using the trigger mode function described below.
Record trigger mode pop-up menu: Choose different record trigger modes to start and stop recording when Record is active.
NoteOn: Recording starts when a note is played.
Note + Ctrl Movement: Recording starts when MIDI control change messages arrive while a note is held (for information about assigned MIDI controllers, see Define Sculpture MIDI controllers.
Note + Sustain Pedal: Recording starts when the sustain pedal is depressed while a note is held.