Create ES2 ring modulated sounds in MainStage
A ring modulator takes its two input signals and outputs their sum and difference frequencies.
In the ES2, oscillator 2 outputs a ring modulation, which is fed with a square wave of oscillator 2 and the wave of oscillator 1, when Ring is set as the oscillator 2 waveform.
Odd intervals (frequency ratios) between the oscillators result in bell-like spectra, much like those heard in the Ringmod Start setting.
The third oscillator can be used as a tuning reference, to maintain a kind of basic tuning. On occasion, you may find that it’s nice to leave the sound out of tune—for use as a source of overtones and harmonics for another basic wave, supplied by oscillator 3.
Create an atmospheric bell sound in ES2
In MainStage, try the following with the Ringmod Start setting:
Experiment with the various frequency ratios of oscillators 1 and 2. You may want to use the 29 s 0 c/21 s 0 c ratio, which doesn’t sound out of tune at all. Ring modulation is not only useful for bell-like sounds, it’s also good for a great variety of spectra that tend to sound weird at lower frequency settings. Also try alterations to the fine-tuning of the oscillators.
Check out an Intensity of 50% and a Rate set to around 2/3 of the maximum value for the Chorus effect.
Set the Attack and Release Times of Envelope 3 to taste.
Check out Drive and Filter FM if you like your sounds a little “out of control.”
The rest is up to you.