Connect to the Internet using Wi-Fi
If you’re within range of a Wi-Fi network, you can try to join it.
Join a public network: Click the Wi-Fi icon
in the menu bar, then choose the network you want to join.
If the network you’re joining is protected by a password, you need to enter it before you can join the network.
Join a hidden network: Click the Wi-Fi icon
in the menu bar, then choose Join Other Network.
You need to know the hidden network’s name, security protocol, and password to join it.
If you don’t see the Wi-Fi icon in the menu bar, choose Apple menu > System Preferences, click Network, select Wi-Fi, then select “Show Wi-Fi status in menu bar.”
If you’re connecting to an AirPort base station or AirPort Time Capsule, but it can’t connect to the Internet, use AirPort Utility to set up the wireless device to connect to the Internet.