You can add title text to any clip in your movie using one of the many title styles available in iMovie. You can place titles directly over a video clip, over a solid-color background, or over an Apple-designed graphic background or animated background clip. Some title styles are unique to themes, meaning that you have to apply the particular theme to your movie to use the style.
In the iMovie app on your Mac, open your movie in the timeline, and then select Titles above the browser.
Available title styles appear in the browser. If you’ve set a theme for your movie, titles related to the theme appear at the top of the browser.
Browse the titles to find the one you want to use, or use the search field to search for the name of a particular title.
Many titles are animated, which means they move on the screen in an interesting way. Skim the title thumbnails in the browser to see how they move.
Do one of the following:
In the timeline, position the playhead where you want to add the title, and then double-click the title in the browser.
The title is added to your movie at the position of the playhead.
Drag the title to the timeline, above the clip where you want the title to appear.
If snapping is turned on (click the View menu and make sure Snapping has a checkmark next to it), the edges of the title align with clip and transition edges. As you drag, a vertical yellow line appears when either end of a title is aligned with either end of a clip.
Drag the title to the timeline, over the clip where you want it to appear.
If you position the title in the first or last third of the clip, the title’s duration is automatically adjusted to appear in that third of the clip. If you position the title in the center of the clip, the title’s duration is adjusted to appear over the entire clip.
Select the title in the timeline, or move the playhead over the title.
In the viewer, select the placeholder text by double-clicking it, and type the text you want to appear.
To change the title’s appearance (its font, color, size, style, or alignment), use the font controls above the viewer.
Note: You can’t change the font in certain theme-styled titles and some animated titles.
When you’re finished, click the Apply button above the viewer.
In the iMovie app on your Mac, select a title bar in the timeline.