Update Apple software in Windows using Boot Camp on Mac
Boot Camp support software updates are provided through both Windows Update and the Apple Software Update app in Windows. To make sure you have the latest Boot Camp support software, you need to install the updates offered by both of these apps.
Although these apps periodically check for updates automatically, you can check for updates manually at any time.
Check for updates using the Windows Update app
In Windows on your Mac, click the Start menu, choose Settings, then click Update & Security.
Click “Check for updates.”
Check for updates using the Apple Software Update app
In Windows on your Mac, click the Start menu, then choose Apple Software Update.
If updates are available, select the updates you want to install, then click Install.
Follow the onscreen instructions.
By default, Apple Software Update checks for new software weekly.
Change Apple Software Update app preferences
In Windows on your Mac, click the Start menu, then choose Apple Software Update.
Choose Edit > Preferences.
Select an update option, then click OK.