Sign in to the Book Store or Audiobook Store in Books on Mac
Sign in to the Book Store or Audiobook Store using your Apple ID to buy books and audiobooks, download items you bought on other devices, and download book and audiobook updates.
Signing in to either store gives you access to both.

Note: The Book Store and Audiobook Store aren’t available in all countries or regions.
In the Books app
on your Mac, click “Sign in” in the lower-left corner.
If you don’t have an Apple ID, you can create one. See the Apple Support article How to create a new Apple ID.
Enter your Apple ID information, then click Sign In.
To see books and audiobooks you purchased on your other devices, sign in with the same Apple ID on all the devices. You might need to authorize your computer.
Tip: To check which Apple ID you’re using, or to see your account settings, choose Account > View My Account.
To sign out of the Book Store and Audiobook Store, choose Account > Sign Out.